There is very poor documentation on Extendscript for InDesign online, and I otherwise cannot find any detailed / useful information on the exportFile
method... this is all I could find, which is fairly well garbled:
would be:
imgs[i].exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, img, false)
property of ExportFormat
, is passing a file object img
, and is passing the parameter false
var img = new File(folder + "/" + fileName)
object are instantiated in different ways... For instance, I have seen a PDF's ExportFormat to be instantiated as ExportFormat.pdfType
. This variation throws me off, and other file-types seem to have unique property names as well.
method, and what are all of the properties of these parameters?
I think resources are quite numerous if you where to find them ;) I really advise you having this bookmark as a favourite :
Once that done, navigate to the pageItem ( Layout ) link and see for exportFile method :
void exportFile (format: varies, to: File[, showingOptions: bool=false][, using: PDFExportPreset][, versionComments: string][, forceSave: bool=false]) Exports the object(s) to a file.
the false means you do not want to use a PDF Export Preset.