I currently work on a parser. I walk a tree, most of it being quite determinist (I have a finite number of values I can find).
Usually in these cases, I create an enum with the name of the value I expect to find, like this :
public enum myElements{
not_like,// "not like" is transformed in not_like by parser
in this case, I can check whether a string belongs to the enum this way :
String my_string;
The thing is that currently I work with special characters ({">", "<", "<>", ...) It is not possible to create enum value with special characters.
What I would like is to associate an enum with those special characters elements, something like
public enum myElements{
and continue using something as straightforward as:
For the moments I use enums everywhere but for these elements, where I use of table. I'd like to harmonize this
BTW, I work with Java6, due to some dependancies.
An idea is welcome, Thanks !
Here is an example of the current table version I use :
public static String[] compElements = {">", "<", "<>", "=", "<=", ">="};
with the equivalent for the valueOf :
It sounds like you just want your enum to store a map of all the "flexible" names, mapping the name to the enum value. You wouldn't be able to use valueOf
, but you could easily write your own static method to return the relevant mapped value. Create the map in a static initializer block. (Don't forget that when the constructors are called automatically, static initializers will not have executed.)
Sample code:
public enum Foo {
// Idiomatic Java names. You could ignore those if you really want,
// and overload the constructor to have a parameterless one which calls
// name() if you really want.
WITH_SPACE("with space");
private static final Map<String, Foo> nameToValueMap;
static {
// Really I'd use an immutable map from Guava...
nameToValueMap = new HashMap<String, Foo>();
for (Foo foo : EnumSet.allOf(Foo.class)) {
nameToValueMap.put(foo.friendlyName, foo);
private final String friendlyName;
private Foo(String friendlyName) {
this.friendlyName = friendlyName;
public String getFriendlyName() {
return friendlyName;
public static Foo fromFriendlyName(String friendlyName) {
return nameToValueMap.get(friendlyName);