Why does FramedCloud popup steal click events inside the popup?
current_popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(
new OpenLayers.Size(0,0),
"<b>Наблюдения</b><br/>" + $.map(features, function(fe) { return fe.attributes.description; }).join('<br/>'),
null, false, null);
map.addPopup(current_popup, true);
$('#map').on('click', function() { console.log('test'); return false; });
Captures click events always except when I click a link inside a popup. The popup and the anchors are descendants of #map
The code in that part of OL is quite obscure.
Why does it catch clicks inside the popup? How do I take them back?
edit: debugging deeper in OL: this function is fired:
bindAsEventListener: function(func, object) {
return function(event) {
return func.call(object, event || window.event);
is the anchor, exactly what I expect:
<a class="edit-card-link" href="/form/?id=806">...</a>
handleBrowserEvent: function(evt) {
var type = evt.type, listeners = this.listeners[type];
if (!listeners || listeners.length == 0) {
var touches = evt.touches;
if (touches && touches[0]) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var num = touches.length;
var touch;
for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
touch = touches[i];
x += touch.clientX;
y += touch.clientY;
evt.clientX = x / num;
evt.clientY = y / num;
if (this.includeXY) {
evt.xy = this.getMousePosition(evt);
this.triggerEvent(type, evt);
is OpenLayers.Event class instance, evt.target
is still that anchor, listeners
contains 1 listener:
function (evt){OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt,true);}
Is this the reason? How do I take it out?
I did it another way. I let OpenLayers capture the event, but before that I trigger another one.
$('a', current_popup.contentDiv).on('click', function(evt) {
var jtarget = $(evt.target);
hide_popup(); // hides OpenLayers popup
$(document).trigger('edit_link_clicked', {
feature: features[jtarget.parent().find('a').index(jtarget)],
cluster: f,
url: jtarget.attr('href')
return false;