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Translating int into char using LWJGL's Keyboard class?

So I was wondering, when using LWJGL's Keyboard class, is there a method to get a character from an int? I was thinking about something like this:

    char keyF = Keyboard.getChar(Keyboard.KEY_F);

would return f.

Is there such a method? And if so, what is it called?

NOTE I have already tried casting from int to char


  • There is no other way (I think) to get it other than creating a method yourself for the keys you use. For example if you only use X and Y keys, your method would look like this.

    public char getChar(int code){
        switch (code){
            case Keyboard.KEY_X: return 'x';
            case Keyboard.KEY_Y: return 'y';

    But you have to create a case for each key you use.

    Also see It says how to convert a int to String. You could probably use the first character of that string. Note that this would not work for keys like SHIFT, F1 etc.,