I'm intending to use JCrop for a standard image upload feature. Everything is all right so far, it works great. BUT: there is a minimum image size required, so instead of letting the user do his cropping and then stop him with an error message when he tries to ulpoad, I'd like to insert a continuous (or at least after selecting) info-text about the current selection size. So, here's my question: can you add text to the jcrop selection area? Or would I have to create something myself?
Thanks for your input!
The short answer is no you can't add text to the selection area. You could, of course make additions to the jcrop script and add such functionality (which I think would be a cool addition).
I had a similar need (ie. to inform user that it was too small) and did it in a separate area based on the selection size. Something along the lines of:
$("#myDiv").Jcrop({onChange: checkSelection},function(){jcrop_api = this;));
function checkSelection(c){
if (c.x2 - c.x < minWidth)