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Check whether a driver is installed for my USB device

I used SetupDiGetClassDevs(), SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo() and SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty() to enumerate my USB device and check whether my device is available or not.

How can I check whether my proper driver is installed for my device or not?
Is there any APIs available to check this?


  • You can get the driver information for the device and then check against that, if your driver is installed and up-to-data.

    Here is a bit of C++ code which might help you:

    bool fetchDriverDescription( const std::wstring& driverRegistryLocation, tDriverDescription& desc )
        bool    rval = false;
        std::wstring regFolder = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\";
        regFolder += driverRegistryLocation;
        win32::registry::reg_key hKey = 
            win32::registry::reg_key::open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regFolder, KEY_READ );
        if( hKey )
            if( win32::registry::read( hKey, L"ProviderName", desc.DriverProviderName, false ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
                return false;
            desc.InstalledDriverRegFolder = regFolder;
            std::wstring val;
            if( win32::registry::read( hKey, L"DriverVersion", val, false ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
                desc.Version = val;
            rval = true;
        return rval;
    std::wstring driverRegLocation;
    if( fetchStringFromDiGetDevice( hDevInfo, DeviceInfo, SPDRP_DRIVER, driverRegLocation ) )
        bSuccessful = fetchDriverDescription( driverRegLocation, dev.DriverDesc );