I've been trying to make this script from ClearBox3 to stop conflicting with MooTools.. But I can't seem to find a solution on google on how to do this.
Expected (Removed mootools library) - Displays Modal Window
(source: iforce.co.nz)
Actual (Joomla 2.5 Enviroment) - Redirects me to the image and does not display a modal window.
(source: iforce.co.nz)
So far I've ran the code jQuery.noConflict();
and I've swapped the function calls with $
with jQuery.
, But I'm being met with the error missing ( before formal parameters line 1
(source: iforce.co.nz)
Here is a modification of the script here.
Update: Unsure if its jquery conflicting.. due to implementing this fiddle (Thanks Joseph Silber) and new errors are occuring..
Timestamp: 26/06/2012 3:22:34 p.m.
Error: Event[cb[73]] is undefined
Source File: http://localhost/components/com_autobase/js/clearbox/core/cb_core.js
Line: 4
So the question is ... how can I stop the conflicting? between ClearBox3 and MooTools?
No need to replace all the $
symbols. Just create a closure:
(function($) {
// put all the code in here,
// the $ will refer to the local variable containing jQuery
})( jQuery.noConflict() );
Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/v3qWN/