I'm trying to get all the current job titles of my connections from linkedin. I managed to do it but only by requesting ALL jobtitles and then grabbing the first one. That's inefficient. I'm doing something simmillar to this:
function onLinkedInAuth() {
.fields(["firstName", "lastName", "positions:(title)"])
.result(function(result) { ($"#profile").html(JSON.stringify(result))} );
I know I can add a param and get a count of lets say 5 (.params({"count": 10...)) but that only seems to work for connections not titles of connections...I've tried "positions:(title)[0]" but it did not work.
Any thoughts? is this even possible?
To grab the current job, you need to request the is-current
field as well. Then simply iterate through the returned positions
collection checking the is-current value for each position. Your call would be:
function onLinkedInAuth() {
.fields(["firstName", "lastName", "positions:(title,isCurrent)"])
.result(function(result) { ($"#profile").html(JSON.stringify(result))} );