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Linked-in Once Authenticated : while calling Url of user Profile again ask for authentication

I am Using LinkedIn-j API for LinkedIn Integration. I am able to post Status Update. I want to Show User Profile in WebView in Android for That I am getting User Public URL using below code.


which returning something like this*a169149*s177398*

If I am going to open this url in WebView then its Redirecting to LinkedIn Login page and after filling Credential I can see user Profile.

I want to open User Profile without entering Credential,Again

I also tried by appending the

URL&accesstoken="tokenIdReturned by Application"; 

But still I am not able to open the User Profile directly. What I am missing?


  • I had the same Requirement and i have done it with doing two things.

    Firstly I have used My own WebView to load different URL to authenticate and to show profiles.I have made my WebView as public static instead using the default browser I have redirect the calls to my own WebView in my Activity.

    Second I have set webview.getSettings().setAppCacheEnabled(true); so now it doesn't ask for login again while viewing the profile.

    I have declared my Activity as singleInstace in Manifest.xml file.


    The way I used the WebView in My Activity.

    public static WebView WV = null;
    String uri;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        if (WV == null) {
            WV = (WebView) findViewById(;
            WV.getSettings().setAppCacheEnabled(true); // the important change
        final SharedPreferences pref = getSharedPreferences(OAUTH_PREF,
        final String token = pref.getString(PREF_TOKEN, null);
        final String tokenSecret = pref.getString(PREF_TOKENSECRET, null);
        if (token == null || tokenSecret == null) {
        } else {
            showCurrentUser(new LinkedInAccessToken(token, tokenSecret));
    void startAutheniticate() {
        final LinkedInRequestToken liToken = oAuthService
        uri = liToken.getAuthorizationUrl();
        getSharedPreferences(OAUTH_PREF, MODE_PRIVATE).edit()
                .putString(PREF_REQTOKENSECRET, liToken.getTokenSecret())
    void showCurrentUser(final LinkedInAccessToken accessToken) {
        // code to get Profile object using Linkedin-J API 
        //which is already available on the API site as Example