I have a database with several hundred tables imported from a third source. Using entity framework, these tables become ObjectSets labeled E_1, E_2, E_3... All of the tables have a common set of columns and can be queried with one function.
I have the following code:
namespace Foo{
public static class Data{
public static MyEntities dataContext = new MyEntities();
public static void getData<T>(string entityName) where T : class
string queryString = "SELECT result FROM ";
queryString += Data.dataContext.DefaultContainerName + "." + entityName;
ObjectQuery<T> myQuery = Data.dataContext.CreateQuery<T>(queryString, null);
// do stuff
public static void test(){
string entityName = "E_1";
In test(), I pass the string "E_1" to the function getData(), and I also insert type class Foo.E_1 into getData<> as the generic type parameter.
In reality, E_1 isn't known until run time. At run time, I create the entityName string, but how can I then convert this string into the generic parameter type needed for getData<>?
All of the tables have a common set of columns
So you can make one class (e.g. MyImportType) to capture the results of your query, and use ExecuteStoreQuery
in stead of ObjectQuery
var data = Data.dataContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<MyImportType>(queryString);
And getData does not need a generic type parameter.
As aside: I agree with TomTom that the db design is very bad. If you can, at least merge the tables with identical columns into one table.