I've been working on a game engine. It can create games in windowed mode, fullscreen mode or applet mode. The FPS is fine in applet mode and windowed mode (gives me 90-120 fps with upto 3000 objects in the map), but in fullscreen mode, it drops to 25-50 fps. Here's the window class.
Could not find where the problem is. And more over running on windows is fine but on Ubuntu it has this problem. Listing the display modes gave me the bit depth -1 Here's the complete list on my machine.
1600 900 -1
1440 900 -1
1440 900 -1
1280 800 -1
1280 800 -1
1152 864 -1
1024 768 -1
1024 768 -1
1024 768 -1
832 624 -1
800 600 -1
800 600 -1
800 600 -1
800 600 -1
640 480 -1
640 480 -1
640 480 -1
640 480 -1
720 400 -1
I've found that bit depth -1 indicates BIT_DEPTH_MULTI, a constant in the DisplayMode class. So setting the mode increased the fps to 60-70fps but still not as much as in windowed mode.
Is Java2D using hardware acceleration at all on Ubuntu? Take a look at some Java 2d flags, especially at those that turn OpenGL on.
On Windows, Direct3D acceleration is used by default. On Linux, you don't get OpenGL by default so try turning it on by using command line option -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
when starting the JVM.