I'm working on implementing a hierarchy which deals with Comparator
and the Comparable
interface. Couple of things that are unclear to me:
If I'm adding comparators to a comparator chain, what exactly does this piece of code mean
chain.addComparator(new sortByTitle());
I know that the sortByTitle()
argument has to be a comparator but I don't understand how you implement a function like this? The comparator requires you to implement the compare(obj1, obj2)
function which takes two arguments to compare one against the other, how do you get from that to a single (what looks like a constructor) call with no arguments?
Say that I implemented a class called Database
which stores some items in an ArrayList
called item
. The variable item
is itself a private variable. Now in the main program, a call like this is made:
Collections.sort(library.item, chain);
How is it possible to directly access an object library's instance of item
? The specification for database states that item
needs to be private, can this work?
I would appreciate any help.
itself is an interface. When you
say chain.addComparator(new sortByTitle());
, you are passing in an
instance of an implementation of a Comparator that sorts your object
by title. The sortByTitle
class will in this case implement
and will provide an implementation of the
compare(obj1, obj2)
method. which your chain can invoke on that
instance you pass in. Typically, instead of passing a new instance in every time, all Comparator
implementations for an
Object are declared as public static final members of the Object
itself.For example:
public static final Comparator TITLE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
// comparison logic
You could then simply pass them into you chain in this way:
This has the added benifit of allowing the comparator (which is stateless) to be used elsewhere without creating a new instance every time.
Something like:
public List getItem() {
return item;
public void setItem(List item) {
this.item = item;
in the Library class.