I try to configure varnish so it can handle jsonp.
I use as the basic concept this source: https://gist.github.com/640331
I'm using varnish 3.0.2 so I ended up with this
After sending a request to the server:
curl http://example.com/test?callback=test
I get the following:
test(<esi:include src="http://example.com/test" />);
Insted of:
The syslog output:
The syslog outputs the following:
May 09 12:48:45 [varnishd] before if for: /JSONP-ESI-TEMPLATE
May 09 12:48:45 [varnishd] before if for: callback, url: example.com:6081
May 09 12:48:45 [varnishd] in if for: callback, url: example.com:6081
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] before if for: /JSONP-ESI-TEMPLATE
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] in if for: /JSONP-ESI-TEMPLATE
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] before if for: obj.status == 760
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] in if for: obj.status == 760
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] before if for: beresp.http.X-ESI
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] in if for: beresp.http.X-ESI
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] before if for: beresp.http.X-JSONP-Server
May 09 12:52:40 [varnishd] in if for: beresp.http.X-JSONP-Server
How to evaluate the esi request to get the json?
Got the solution! Looks like this.
If You are using gzip for Your json responses, don't forget to enable gzip for jsonp:
if ( beresp.http.content-type ~ "application/javascript" ) {
set beresp.do_gzip = true;