I have an array of divs and I want to iterate over each div and pass it to sparklines. like so:
var divs = $("#wrapper>div");
var data = ["1:2:3:4", "4:3:2:3:1"];
var i;
for(i = 0; i<data.length; i++){
I get the error "divs[i].sparkline" is not a function. But if I do this
its fine all the divs get the linegraph but with the same data.
Does anyone have any suggestions but how to use sparkline when iterating over divs?
Try changing divs[i]
to $(divs[i])
for(i = 0; i<data.length; i++){
the sparkline
works on jQuery object and divs[i]
would be dom node. So try wrapping it inside $(..)