I've been playing about with the WorkItem objects from the Microsoft.TeamFoundation schemas in C#, but was wondering if anyone knows how I would refer to an object of type 'Area' or, for that matter, 'Iteration'.
It seems that these are treated as objects in TFS, but I haven't come across any information on how to refer to these in C#.
You can filter WorkItems by [Area] or [Iteration] using WIQL, but what if I wanted to populate a ComboBox with all Areas or Iterations?
Also, how can I view the database structure of my workplace's TFS project?
Thanks guys,
Have a look at this Blog Post. There's sample code and a demo.
Here's a quick LINQPad Query that should do the job (download VS2010 / VS2012):
void Main()
const String CollectionAddress = "http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/MyCollection";
const String ProjectName = "MyProject";
using (var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(
new Uri(CollectionAddress)))
var server = tfs.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
var projectInfo = server.GetProjectFromName(ProjectName);
var nodes = server.ListStructures(projectInfo.Uri).Dump();
// You should be able to re-factor this with "Iteration"
// for getting those too.
var nodesXml = server.GetNodesXml(
.Where(node => node.Name == "Area")
.Select(node => node.Uri).ToArray(),
var areaPathAndId =
.Select(xe => new
Path = xe.Attribute("Path").Value,
ID = xe.Attribute("NodeID").Value,