i would like to ask a question about @UsesJAXBContext annotation in jax-ws. I try to make it work on client side but I'm probably missing something. Here is my case:
I've got webservice with operation:
@WebMethod(operationName = "putToQueue")
public boolean put(@WebParam(name = "queueName") String queueName, @WebParam(name = "element") Object element) {
return queues.get(queueName).offer(element);
On the client side i generated QueueService and Queue (port)... and other stuff... [respones requests. In this case irrelevant.] I would like to let user define object that he/she could put to queue. However to invoke operation put(...) I need bind object (that I try to send) into JAXBContext. I could do that by @XmlSeeAlso in the top of the generated Queue stub [i tried this one and it works]. Nonetheless I need more generic solution that help me bind object at runtime. I thought that I could create @QueueMessage annotation and ClientJAXBContextFactory and add marked class to the context when creating it.
public class ClientJAXBContextFactory implements JAXBContextFactory {
public JAXBRIContext createJAXBContext(SEIModel seim, List<Class> classes, List<TypeReference> references) throws JAXBException {
Reflections reflections = new Reflections("");
Set<Class<?>> annotated = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(QueueMessage.class);
return JAXBContextFactory.DEFAULT.createJAXBContext(seim, classes, references);
Next i tried use @UsesJAXBContext on top of generated Queue.
@WebService(name = "Queue")
public interface Queue {
But createJAXBContext(...) is not invoked and jax-ws just simply create his JAXBContextImpl.
I have read:
and some question on stackOverFlow. I would be grateful for advises. Is it possible to implement idea presented in my question?
Also i might add that on the server side ... @UsesJAXBContext works. But its important for me to make it work on the client side.
Ok I could manage problem i was facing. Still i couldn't use @UsesJAXBContext with client consuming the webservice. But i found that this annotations are tied to beans with post-fix Feature. So there is a class UsesJAXBContextFeature
and it could be passed as argument of port or service(service since jax-ws 2.2). I have got a little trouble with versions so i decided to generate class and use jax-ws 2.1. Now i just simply create port like this:
new QueueService().getQueuePort(new UsesJAXBContextFeature(new ClientJAXBContextFactory()));
And it works!