Short version: In pure Java EE 6, is there something like Spring's Authentication Processing Filter, which customizes form-based authentication?
Long version: I'm working on a pure Java EE 6 web application (JSF2, CDI), which must be independent of the concrete Java EE 6 container used later.
JSF2 pages with restricted access are stored in a sub-folder /pages. In my web.xml, I defined the following to restrict access to those pages:
As indicated by the "????" in the code above, I can't use one of the pre-defined realms like JDBC, because the autentication to use is very custom (nasty detail: credentials are checked against an ugly legacy system) and requires some Java coding.
I expected that I could create a new class implementing some interface overriding some authenticate method with the parameters "login" and "password" returning a boolean to denote a successful authentication.
However, after reading several hours on the topic, I'm totally lost :-( Do I need to implement a JAAS LoginModule and Realm? This looks very complicated to me. Or is there another standard Java EE 6 way to do it? Or do I need to go the way of implementing a ServletFilter instead?
I ended up using Spring Security. It seems with Java EE 6 libraries, it is not easily possible to implement a custom authentication provider. Of course you can implement everything from scratch using servlet filters, but that's in my view too error prone. Spring Security seems to be a good solution even though it adds many libraries to my webapp, which I hoped I could get around without.