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What are the most cool and modern programming areas nowadays?

In preparation for a blog post about programming, I'm gathering ideas around areas of programming and software development that are actual, new, fresh, cool, interesting and are potentially profitable in the near future.

I've gathered these ideas:

  • apps for Facebook and Twitter
  • apps for other API based websites (social apps)
  • cell phones, Pocket PC applications
  • robots and automation
  • web tool applications for other programmers
  • multilingual websites and web tools

Do you know other issues/trends that can be added to this list?


  • Here is my top 10 list of what is funky, cool, happening and grooooovy:

    1. In at 1, Concurrency, scalability and distributed data implementations
    2. In at 2, Programming Languages and Meta-Object structures
    3. In at 3, Image analysis and automated environment interpretation
    4. In at 4, AI and NLP combinations in Search technologies
    5. In at 5, Self-replicating automata and swarm intelligence
    6. In at 6, Human/Machine hardware interfaces (wetware)
    7. In at 7, Nano-robotics in medicine
    8. In at 8, Medical/Life Simulation (think simulating a virus that attacks cancer)
    9. In at 9, Real-time Raytraced graphics
    10. In at 10, Automated Social Interaction/experimentation using online communities

    I feel it might be balanced to add a few Empty hype items that have potential, but so far are pretty lame/boring from a technical perspective ... but with some thought could get interesting:

    1. Location Based Services
    2. Google Wave ... isn't this just very rich, relational email? I take this back, I watched the developer video thingy. Now i'm hyped :P
    3. Wikis ... Blank canvas, not much going on. How dry is wikipedia ;P
    4. Payment/virtual currency. Too much freeconomy going on online.
    5. Secondlife/MM-style games - Interesting tech, no juice
    6. Flash, Silverlight, JavaFX - A single open solution might be nice.
    7. Google Chrome OS - Doing away with X11! Sounds like Microsoft's embrace-extend-extinguish game plan to me

    Note: Facebook, Google and Twitter do not appear in the list. They are API