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How Bad is this Database for Address?

I'm still a novice to databases, normalization, etc, and I might need some help. Enclosed here is a portion of my database structure, and I'm thinking that my approach is a bad idea. Here, our country can be classified into different provinces, and all cities/towns are under a specific province, and a barangay (the closest Layman's term is District, I guess). So if all places, where ever you may be in our country, you must have that certain barangay, city/town, and province. What I did is I used Foreign Keys to refer to tables barangay, city/town, province. Is this a bad idea?

How different is it if I created a tblCustomer_Address to separate Country_ID: Int FK, Province_ID: Int FK, CityTown_ID: Int FK, Baranggay_ID: Int FK from tblCustomer?


  Customer_Id: Int PK
  Customer_FName: String
  Customer_MName: String
  Customer_LName: String
  Country_ID: Int FK
  Province_ID: Int FK
  CityTown_ID: Int FK
  Baranggay_ID: Int FK
  Additional_Address_Details: String
  Country_Id: Int PK
  Country_Name: String
  Province_Id: Int PK
  Province_Name: String
  CityTown_Id: Int PK
  CityTown_Name: String
  Barangay_Id: Int PK
  Barangay_Name: String

* EDIT: By the way, I forgot to mention. A part of my project is report generation, so I what I had in mind is to keep track of the locations. So I thought of having separate tables for barangays, city/town, provinces, to make each and everyone unique.


  • Well it seems to me that a barangay will exist in a city or province, a city will exist in a province, and a province will exist in a country. How about a structure where you havea location table with a location type of Barangay, City, Province, Rural or country and a parentID pointing to the parent location in the hierarchy. Then your customer has a location id pointing to anywhere in the hierarchy. New locations can be added as existing in a city, province (for rural) district or country. Table would look like this:

    LocationID int PK,
    ParentID int FK references tblLocation LocationID,
    LocationType int FK references tbllocationTypes,

    Couldn't add this as a comment, so here is a more full implementation:

    CREATE TABLE LocationType
        LocationTypeID int not null primary key,
        LocationTypeName varchar(20) not null unique
    CREATE TABLE Location (
        LocationID int not null primary key,
        ParentId int null references Location (LocationID),
        LocationName varchar(100),
        LocationTypeID int not null references LocationType (LocationTypeID)    
    CREATE Table Customer (
        CustomerID int not null primary key,
        FirstName varchar(50),
        MiddleName varchar(50),
        LastName varchar(50),
        LocationID int references Location (LocationID)
    CREATE TABLE City(  
        CityID int not null primary key references Location (LocationID),
        PostCode varchar(20) not null
    CREATE VIEW DetailedLocation AS 
        SELECT L.*, C.PostCode FROM Location AS L
        ON C.CityID = L.LocationID