I am using an IMG Map that has many small pictures. When I hover over each image it will display a larger image. How do I do this? I do not mind using javascript, css, etc as long as it works. Please provide an example.
<img src="img.jpg" alt="Main Photo - Please View With Images On"
usemap="#Map" class="center" style="width:900px;" border="0" />
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area class="1" shape="rect" coords="4,3,225,150" />
<area class="2" shape="rect" coords="2,152,221,303" />
<area class="3" shape="rect" coords="3,303,221,452" />
Each class would have a different image to display larger.
I think you want something like the below given fiddle. Code written is very rough & can be optimized. Just check you want this or something else.