I'm following this tutorial for twitter4j:
and I've gotten almost everything right. All my code compiles except for this one little part:
ResponseList list = twitter.getHomeTimeline();
for (Status each : list) { //incompatible types error
System.out.println("Sent by: @" + each.getUser().getScreenName()
+ " - " + each.getUser().getName() + "\n" + each.getText()
+ "\n");
This is the output for that exception: incompatible types found : java.lang.Object required: twitter4j.Status
I'm using the twitter4j 2.2.5 jars. What am I doing wrong???
Generics is missing, maybe you could try:
ResponseList<Status> list = twitter.getHomeTimeline();
for (Status each : list) {
System.out.println("Sent by: @" + each.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + each.getUser().getName() + "\n"
+ each.getText() + "\n");