I am using Groovy to build a DSL that will handle BASIC scripts.
I have a line like this:
Which is picked up by a regex which injects some code into the script being executed:
def retString = "scan = new Scanner(System.in);"
retString += "${matcher[0][1]} ="
retString += "scan.nextLine()\n"
return retString
This code is duly executed but never returns (i.e. the Scanner never returns from nextLine() and so a value for V/matcher[0][1] is not returned, instead the code is stuck waiting for keyboard input no matter how many times I hit the enter key.)
What have I vote wrong here? The input is echoed in a TextArea as it is being typed (i.e. this is the focus at the time) - is it related to that?
In the end this appears to be one of those (rare) areas where BASIC has more expressive power than Java or Groovy - to solve this I had to alter the windowing code (adding a JTextField to accept input), write an ActionListener and implement some latching. Not particularly difficult but about 25 lines of code in comparison to BASIC's 1.