I have colors like "FF7B2900" from a program. I need to be able to convert this kind of color code to color and back.
So for example to convert this code to color i'm doing like this:
string colorcode = "FF7B2900";
int argb = Int32.Parse(colorcode, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Color clr = Color.FromArgb(argb);
The problem is when i try to convert color to string because i need to pick a color with color picker and get (string) the same type of code together with alpha "FF7B2900" not the simple html code "#7B2900"
You can get the exact same hex string back by doing clr.ToArgb().ToString("x").ToUpper()
. clr.ToArgb() gets your int back and calling ToString("x") tells it to ouput a hexadecimal string representation of the int.