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PowerShell running functions from .ps1 with multiple parameters

I'm trying to run a function that is located within a .ps1 file. The function accepts two parameters that could be either a string or int. Here is my code:

Filename: SetFarmProp.ps1

Function SetFarm ($property_name, $property_value) `
    $farm = Get-SPFarm

    $farm.Properties.Add($property_name, $property_value)


When I go into my PowerShell session and type in

SetFarm "testkey" "testvalue1"

I get an error saying that the "SetFarm" is not a recognized name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.


  • Try dot sourcing:

    . .\SetFarmProp.ps1
    SetFarm "testkey" "testvalue1"

    Or just:

    .\SetFarmProp.ps1 "testkey" "testvalue1"

    If you modify your .ps1 file as:

    param ($property_name, $property_value)
        $farm = Get-SPFarm
        $farm.Properties.Add($property_name, $property_value)