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jQuery Supersized image not displayed within html5boilerplate website

I'm trying to implement the jQuery plugin Supersized (3.2.6) into a blank html5boilerplate (3.0) website but I don't get it to work:

Images are not displayed although all necessary files are loaded (including script, style and some sample images). I figured out that the image (inside div with id="supersized") has the css attribute display: none. When I remove this from style sheet everything looks fine and the images are displayed. But I don't think, that this is the right way because I changed the default style which should be OK:

    #supersized img{ width:auto; height:auto; position:relative; display:none; outline:none; border:none; }

Any ideas?


  • Solved it by myself: For slideshow I have to use the script from slideshow example. I thought it isn't a different script because it is named the same. My fault. And btw. this is no issue regarding to html5boilerplate. Sorry for that.