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Glassfish: how to investigate roles/groups problems

I have a Glassfish server in production which uses JDBC Realm for authentication. It works well, but there is the need to change all the roles/groups. I developed a new version of the web application in a test environment changing glassfish-web.xml and web.xml to align them with the groups contained in the groups table on the db for test. Everything works flawlessly. So I moved the web application to the production environment and updated the content of the groups table on production db. The authentication works well but roles are not recognized. How can I investigate this problem ? I checked the production db and the groups table is fine and can be accessed for select. Glassfish-web.xml and web.xml are the same of the test enviroment. This is a real brain teaser. The only explanation I can give is that Glassfish-web.xml is discarded for unknown reasons or the old file is still present and read from some other location than web-inf directory.

Thanks for any help



  • Explore your domain's folder under GlassFish root folder + \domains. If you are unsure what domain you are on, it is domain1 by default. Under this folder you should have a folder called applications. This folder contains the deployed version of all your applications, and it's the place where to check your application's Glassfish-web.xml configuration file.

    Anyway, if you are having this kind of problems, a Clean & Build of your project, followed by a redeploy, usually works.