I am new to jsf. I have the bellow code. When I place ui:repeat inside rich:toolbar it prints the data. But when I place it after the toolbargroup inside composition tag it doesn't print anything. I have a toolbar and I want to show ui:repeat data bellow that toolbar. If I place it in toolbar it shows the data but inside the toolbar not bellow it. How can I place it bellow the toolbar?
Update: I found out the problem. The ui:repeat tag is showing up bellow the toolbar. So how can I add position to ui:repeat?
enter code here<h:body>
<ui:composition> <h:panelGroup layout="block">
<rich:toolbar id="header-toolbar" height="30px" itemSeparator="line">
<rich:toolbarGroup location="right" rendered="#{not empty searchType}">
</rich:toolbarGroup> </rich:toolbarGroup>
</a4j:region> //Bellow doesn't show up! <ui:repeat value="#{breadCrumbMB.crumbs}" var="crumb" varStatus="crumStatus">
<h:outputLink value="#{crumb}">
<h:outputText value="#{breadCrumbMB.title(crumb.toString())}" rendered="${breadCrumbMB.lastLink()=='false'}"/></h:outputLink> >
<h:outputText value="#{breadCrumbMB.title(crumb.toString())}" rendered="${breadCrumbMB.lastLink()=='true'}"/>
</ui:repeat> </ui:composition>
Try to include ui:repeat inside a4j:region, if it doesn't work then use a4j:repeat