I am having a weird issue with the image gallery Galleria.js and backbone.
This view is sometimes hidden and then re-rendered with a different model. What is happening is that after re-rendering 2 or 3 times, the browser's CPU usage spikes to 100%. I confirmed that Galleria
is cause this, because I removed it from the view and the CPU was normal.
I am thinking that I might need to destroy the view when hiding or something? Not entirely sure about how to approach this.
App.HouseDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.house-details-area',
initialize: function() {
this.template = _.template($('#house-details-template').html());
App.Events.on('show_house', this.render, this);
App.Events.on('show_main_view', this.hide, this);
events: {
'click .btn-close': 'hide',
'shown a[data-toggle="tab"][href=".detail-map"]' : 'show_map',
'shown a[data-toggle="tab"][href=".detail-street-view"]' : 'show_street_view',
'change .calculate-price': 'calculate_price',
render: function(model) {
this.model = model;
var html = this.template({model:model.toJSON()});
Galleria.run('#galleria', {wait: true});
return this;
hide: function() {
App.detailsRouter.navigate('/', true);
show_map: function() {
// check if map already rendered
if (this.$('.detail-map').html() === '') {
var map = new App.DetailMapView({model:this.model});
show_street_view: function() {
if (this.$('.detail-street-view').html() === '') {
var street_view = new App.DetailStreetView({model:this.model});
calculate_price: function (e) {
var price_element = this.$('.price');
var total_price = parseFloat(price_element.attr('data-total-price'));
var people = parseFloat(price_element.attr('data-people'));
// if selected is 1st option: Total price
if (e.srcElement.selectedIndex === 0) {
// show total price
price_element.html('$' + total_price.toFixed(2));
} else {
// show per person price
price_element.html('$' + (total_price/people).toFixed(2));
I was able to fix this issue by removing Galleria.loadTheme('/static/js/libs/galleria.classic.min.js');
from the view's render()
I only load the Galleria theme once when the App is initialized.