This is a long question. I've tried to make it more concise but I think you need all the info to assist.
Here's a summary: I'm trying to capture consecutive clicks as endpoints. I'll draw line2D objects between these points. I have a listener that sends x and y values from click events to a helper class. I'll never have more than two points, so the helper class only has firstPoint and secondPoint members. I get the clicks and send the co-ordinates to the helper class using evt.getX() and evt.getY(). The helper creates the points, but firstPoint ends up with the same co-ords as secondPoint. My detail on what's going on can be found below the code blocks.
Here's the code in my mouse click handler:
public class Dashboard extends javax.swing.JFrame {
public static ClickMaster myClicks = new ClickMaster();
public static boolean drawing = false;
private MyPoint firstPoint = new MyPoint();
private MyPoint secondPoint = new MyPoint();
. . .
private void MyDrawingPanelMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
if (firstPoint.getPointType().equals(MyPoint.PointType.NULL)) {
drawing = !drawing;
firstPoint = myClicks.parseClick(evt.getX(), evt.getY(), drawing);
} else if (drawing){
drawing = !drawing;
secondPoint = myClicks.parseClick(evt.getX(), evt.getY(), drawing);
myClicks.parsePoints(firstPoint, secondPoint);
Here's the helper class that returns points:
public class ClickMaster {
MyPoint anyPoint = new MyPoint();
public ClickMaster() {
public MyPoint parseClick(double x, double y, boolean firstClick) {
if (firstClick) {
} else {
return anyPoint;
And here's my implementation of Point2D objects, in case it's relevant:
public class MyPoint extends Point2D {
public enum PointType {
double x;
double y;
PointType pointType;
public MyPoint(PointType pType, double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.pointType = pType;
public MyPoint() {
this.x = 0.0;
this.y = 0.0;
this.pointType = PointType.NULL;
+ standard getters/setters as you would expect.
debugging shows that
firstPoint = myClicks.parseClick(firstX, firstY, drawing);
results in a point with the x and y values of the mouse event. This is expected.
secondPoint = myClicks.parseClick(evt.getX(), evt.getY(), drawing);
Results in a point with the x and y values of the second click. Also expected.
However, when I call
myClicks.parsePoints(firstPoint, secondPoint);
I see that firstPoint and secondPoint have the same x,y values.
I'm not sure but I believe it's because both firstPoint and secondPoint are getting their x and y values from the mouse evt. I think I need to put values of type double for x's and y's in to firstPoint and secondPoint as opposed to a reference to the double value returned from the mouse event by getX() and getY().
I just don't know how to make it happen.
Also, if there's a much better way to capture consecutive clicks and translate them to endpoints for shapes, I would welcome the feedback.
Actually, your problem is anyPoint. Since you only have one instance of ClickMaster, and anyPoint is only initialized once, you're returning a reference to the same object no matter how many times you call parseClick. ParseClick needs to create a new MyPoint every time it's called and return that.