I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 64bit (with a clean install). When I installed eclipse i can only create a general or CVS projects. I installed build-essential, eclipse-cdt, eclipse-jdt, openjdk-7-jdk but still can only create these type of projects. Also when going into the eclipse installed software section I can clearly see that CDT and java SDK are installed.
I use eclipse on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit too and I do not have any problem in creating different projects (see screenshot).
However, I never use the repository version of eclipse, I always download the package from the eclipse website. It's only a matter of extracting the archive and starting the eclipse executable.
Another tip, make sure you are using the right perspective for the projects you want to create (window
->open perspective
From the screenshot, you can see in the top right corner that the opened perspective is Java