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Converting NSTextView coordinates to screen coordinates

In my app I want to show popover in NSTextView and need to convert coordinates of selected rect in NSTextView to screen coordinates. I've tried this code:

NSWindow* viewWindow = [self window];
NSRect rect = [self firstRectForCharacterRange:[self selectedRange]];
rect = [[self superview] convertRect:rect toView:nil]; //converting to NSClipView coordinate system
rect = [viewWindow convertRectToScreen:rect];
return rect;

It works almost good, but returned rect has extremely "broken" origin by "x". E.g., if rect.origin.x is 670 at the beginning, in the end it is equal to 1022.

Any ideas?



  • I got it.

    - (NSRect)rectForPopover
        NSRect rect = [self firstRectForCharacterRange:[self selectedRange]];
        NSRect txtViewBounds = [self convertRectToBacking:[self bounds]];
        txtViewBounds = [self.window convertRectToScreen:txtViewBounds];
        rect = [[self superview] convertRect:rect toView:nil];
        rect = [self.window convertRectToScreen:rect];
        rect.origin = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x - txtViewBounds.origin.x - self.window.frame.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
        return rect;