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how to make controls accessible from other threads in c++ builder xe2?

I downloaded a trial of c++ builder xe2, and I'm trying to find out how to access and change control properties (Example: Change the text of a TLabel from a different thread). I know that you can change it on the same thread by using:

Label1->Caption = " Text ";

But what I need to do is change it from another function. so far in the header file for the form I have:


#ifndef Hello_VCLH
#define Hello_VCLH

#define IN
#define INOUT
#define OUT

#include <System.Classes.hpp>
#include <Vcl.Controls.hpp>
#include <Vcl.StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Vcl.Forms.hpp>
#include <Vcl.ComCtrls.hpp>
class TForm2 : public TForm
__published:    // IDE-managed Components
    TLabel *Label1;
    TButton *Button1;
    TProgressBar *ProgressBar1;
private:    // User declarations
public:     // User declarations
    __fastcall TForm2(TComponent* Owner);
extern PACKAGE TForm2 *Form2;

In .cpp file for the form, I tried putting TForm2::Label1->Caption = " test"; but that didn't work. I tried putting static in front of the controls, but when I do that xe2 claims that the form code is wrong. Anyone know how to make it to where I can access the control from another function or thread besides the main one? Thanks!



#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include "Hello_VCL.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "wimgapi.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm2 *Form2;

__fastcall TForm2::TForm2(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)

    IN      DWORD msgId,    //message ID
    IN      WPARAM param1,   //usually file name
    INOUT   LPARAM param2,   //usually error code
    IN      void  *unused
    //First parameter: full file path for if WIM_MSG_PROCESS, message string for others
    TCHAR *message  = (TCHAR *) param1;
    TCHAR *filePath = (TCHAR *) param1;
    DWORD percent   = (DWORD)   param1;

    //Second parameter: message back to caller if WIM_MSG_PROCESS, error code for others
    DWORD errorCode = param2;
    DWORD *msg_back = (DWORD *) param2;
    DWORD seconds = (DWORD) param2;

    switch ( msgId )
        case WIM_MSG_PROGRESS:

            // Prints out the current progress percentage.


            Label1->Caption = (String)param1 + " % completed";
            //Label1->Caption = (DWORD)param1;
            //wprintf(L"__________________\n\n| Capture process|\t\t(c) 2012 Andrew Butler\n__________________\n\n%d %% captured. About %i seconds(s) remaining - %i minute(s)", (DWORD)param1, ((INT)seconds / 1000), ((INT)seconds / 60000));

        case WIM_MSG_PROCESS:

            //This message is sent for each file, capturing to see if callee intends to
            //capture the file or not.
            //If you do not intend to capture this file, then assign FALSE in msg_back
            //and still return WIM_MSG_SUCCESS.
            //Default is TRUE.

            //In this example, print out the file name being applied
            //_tprintf(TEXT("FilePath: %s\n"), filePath);


        case WIM_MSG_ERROR:

            //This message is sent upon failure error case
            //printf("ERROR: %s [err = %d]\n", message, errorCode);

        case WIM_MSG_RETRY:

            //This message is sent when the file is being reapplied because of
            //network timeout. Retry is done up to five times.
            //printf("RETRY: %s [err = %d]\n", message, errorCode);

        case WIM_MSG_INFO:

            //This message is sent when informational message is available
            //printf("INFO: %s [err = %d]\n", message, errorCode);

        case WIM_MSG_WARNING:

            //This message is sent when warning message is available
            //printf("WARNING: %s [err = %d]\n", message, errorCode);

    return WIM_MSG_SUCCESS;

SampleCaptureCleanup ( HANDLE hWim, HANDLE hImg, FARPROC callback )
    if (hImg) {
        WIMCloseHandle (hImg);

    if (hWim) {
        WIMCloseHandle (hWim);

    if (callback) {
        WIMUnregisterMessageCallback( NULL, callback );


void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
    //Label1->Caption = "Test";

EDIT 2 * :

FARPROC callback = (FARPROC) SampleCaptureCallback;

if (WIMRegisterMessageCallback( NULL,
                                NULL ) == INVALID_CALLBACK_VALUE) {
    printf ("Cannot set callback\n");
    return 3;

I have edited it to include the cpp file. I want to change the label under case WIM_MSG_PROGRESS: in the SampleCallback function.


  • The last parameter of the WIMRegisterMessageCallback call specifies a custom user data you can use to pass information to your callback function (in its last parameter, currently named unused).

    You could pass the pointer to your TForm2 object to the callback by modifying the registering call to

    WIMRegisterMessageCallback( NULL, callback, form)

    where form is the above mentioned pointer.

    Then you can use that user data in your callback as follows:

    DWORD  WINAPI  SampleCaptureCallback(
      IN      DWORD msgId,
      IN      WPARAM param1,
      INOUT   LPARAM param2,
      IN      PVOID  udata)
      TForm2* form = reinterpret_cast<TForm2*>(udata);
      udata->SetLabel1Caption("my text");

    where SetLabel1Caption is the following function of TForm2:

    void SetLabel1Cation(String str)
      WaitForSingleObject(hLabel1Mutex, INFINITE);
      Label1->Caption = str;

    where hLabel1 mutex is a member variable of Tform2

    HANDLE hLabel1Mutex;

    and is initilized in TForm2's constructor as:

    hLabel1Mutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, NULL);
    if (hLabel1Mutex == NULL)
      // failed to create mutex, throw exception

    Note this example is tailored to using only Label1. If you want to update more than one controls at the same time, you can use use the same mutex otherwise you should protect each control with its own mutex.

    Note: read more about mutexes in the Win32API in these articles as a starter.

    Update: Remy points out that the traditional protection mechanisms (mutex/semaphore) are not applicable here for full thread safety. Instead the various threads need to work together and communicate with the main thread to delegate the access to the UI controls.