I have a page X in my grails app which has a button to display a chart. It will call a controller with a domain object's id and the chart gets rendered in another page. Till here everything is clear to me.
However I have to reload the rendered chart page every 20 seconds. My website is a private one with few admin users only. So I decided to use simple javascript polling to do the refresh.
This is the snippet in the chart gsp
page that I want to reload every 20 seconds. Maybe using javascript setInterval
<g:render id="chart" template="/building/${chartTemplate}" model="${model}"></g:render>
My controller requires a sensor id to be passed in when creating the chart, can I use the java script to do that? If so, how can I get it to the javascript function from the controller which initially redirected it here.
This is my GSP template which renders the chart.
<div id="linechart"></div>
<gvisualization:lineCoreChart dynamicLoading="${true}" elementId="linechart" title="${title}"
width="${750}" height="${450}" columns="${columns}" data="${data}"/>
Some weird javascript I have used, but not working.
<input type="text" id="sensorid" disabled="disabled" value="${sid }"/>
var int=self.setInterval("chart()",1000);
var sensid;
function chart(){
var d=new Date();
var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();
sensid = document.getElementById("sensorid").value;
${remoteFunction(controller:"building", action:"createChart", params:"'sid=' + sensid")}
Is there a way in which the javascript can reload the page. Full page reload is also fine. I have near zero knowledge of javascript so any help is highly appreciated.
Since you mention reloading the entire page is acceptable, then two easy ways would be:
1) Include a META REFRESH tag in your GSP. Eg:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
This is quite convenient, especially if you don't need to change the params (eg if the controller handles anything such as curent date/time used to update chart, etc).
2) Either via Javascript "setTimeout" or a specific action, call a reload (or "history.go(0)", or "window.location.href=window.location.href").
Eg for a button action to test it:
<input type="button" value="Reload this page" onClick="window.location.reload();">
or to do it automatically every 5 seconds, such as in this (extremely stripped down, so yes I've skipped things such as head, body and other tags..) HTML example:
Hello world.
This gives you more control over exactly what you call, and could easily be modified to redirect to a different controller, same controller with new params, etc.