I'm having a fun issue, I have LiveReload working in Chrome, so I know it's installed right, but I can't for the life of me get it going on Firefox 9.0.1. I activate the icon on my site and it just stays red, with the following symptom showing in my guard terminal.
Browser connected.
Browser URL: {"command":"hello","protocols":["http://livereload.com/protocols/connection-check-1"]}
Browser disconnected.
Here's my guardfile.
guard 'livereload' do
watch(%r{(app/assets/.+\.css)\.s[ac]ss}) { |m| m[1] }
watch(%r{(app/assets/.+\.js)\.coffee}) { |m| m[1] }
I did some research on the subject and all I can find are people reporting issues and then reporting back that it just cleared up, without any explanation from the developers. Fun!
Latest Firefox seems to be unable to inject chrome:// urls into the host page unlees the corresponding resource has additional "contentaccesible" manifest attribute.
I've added that and submitted a pull request: https://github.com/livereload/livereload-extensions/pull/8
You can grab the fixed plugin package here: https://github.com/downloads/siasia/livereload-extensions/LiveReload-2.0.9.xpi