I have downloaded a Java 3d-1_5_1-macosx.zip. I am trying unzip the file. The file j3d-jre.zip is the file that needs to be unzipped according to the README.txt. I have moved the folder to my desktop so from the terminal I have typed cd Desktop/java3d-1_5_1-macosx-2/. Then from the terminal I type unzip j3d-jre.zip and this is what I see. Archive: j3d-jre.zip replace lib/ext/j3dcore.jar? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: I also tried using right click and stuff it. The instructions from the README file are below.
Download java3d-1_5_1- XXX.zip to a temporary directory, for example, "/tmp"
Unzip java3d-1_5_1-XXX.zip into "/tmp" as follows:
cd /tmp unzip java3d-1_5_1-*.zip
This will create a "java3d-1_5_1-XXX" subdirectory in /tmp where the downloaded files can be found. The file you need for manual installation is "j3d-jre.zip".
Unzip Java 3D 1.5.1 into the "jre" directory of your JDK. For example, if your JDK is in "/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre", you would do the following:
cd /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre unzip /tmp/java3d-1_5_1-*/j3d-jre.zip
Verify that the j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar, and vecmath.jar files end up in "/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre/lib/ext"
Can you not simply open it with Archive Utility (right click on the file on a Mac) or download a free program such as Stuff It Expander? http://www.stuffit.com/mac-expander.html#compare?
From what I understand it looks like you have done this step a few times
Archive: j3d-jre.zip replace lib/ext/j3dcore.jar? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:
If its giving you these options then the file must be un-zipped already and is there in the folder, maybe check to see if you can find it.
README.txt says that j3d-jre.zip is the zip file that contains the the files that need to be installed. Does that necesarily mean that is the file that is supposed to be unzipped?
I would say yes