I can't use a div because the CMS I am using won't allow html into the theme style (it's using a weird structure in its coding) and the only thing that I found that has worked is javascript but I don't know what javascript code will enable a clickable background image.
Any ideas?
<meta name="description" content="description here">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.backgroundImage = "url('http://mydomain.com/image.jpg')";
function callback() {
location.href = "http://mylink.com";
document.addEventListener("click", callback, false);
<script type="text/javascript"> //google analytics code </script>
this is the background of something right? This something has to receive the click event handler.
edit: adding example:
o.id = "OhMyCuteness";
o.style.backgroundImage = "url('...')";
o.addEventListener("click", callback, false);
function callback(clickEvent) {
alert("They clicked meeeee buhuhuhu: " + clickEvent.target.id);
Edit2: in the case your document has a background this is exactly the same, use the document instead of the element "o" as a target for addEventListener