How to create DOM elements from string (pass from ajax) in Mootools?
In jQuery a simple solution is $( elements )
var elements = '<i>This is italic</i><b>this bold</b>...';
Without a string, you would use the Element class:
var el = new Element('div#id.class', {
text: 'My text',
With a string, you can check how it's one in Request.HTML, see here.
var temp = new Element('div').set('html', response.html);
response.tree = temp.childNodes;
response.elements = temp.getElements(options.filter || '*');
Basically Mootools elements & DOM elements are the same, this is another SO questions which creates DOM nodes from HTML: Creating a new DOM element from an HTML string using built-in DOM methods or prototype
From old Mootools forums, I found an interesting idea too: add a new method Element.fromString() or String.toElement() which would contain this logic.