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emacs compile buffer auto close?

I want to auto close the compile buffer when there is no error and no warning,but i want to show it when there is warnings. Anyone can help me? This code from emacswiki only do the first requirement. How to change it?

  ;; Helper for compilation. Close the compilation window if
  ;; there was no error at all.
  (defun compilation-exit-autoclose (status code msg)
    ;; If M-x compile exists with a 0
    (when (and (eq status 'exit) (zerop code))
      ;; then bury the *compilation* buffer, so that C-x b doesn't go there
      ;; and delete the *compilation* window
      (delete-window (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*compilation*"))))
    ;; Always return the anticipated result of compilation-exit-message-function
    (cons msg code))
  ;; Specify my function (maybe I should have done a lambda function)
  (setq compilation-exit-message-function 'compilation-exit-autoclose)


  • I use the following for compilation. It keeps the compilation buffer if there are warnings or errors, and buries it otherwise (after 1 second).

    (defun bury-compile-buffer-if-successful (buffer string)
     "Bury a compilation buffer if succeeded without warnings "
     (when (and
             (buffer-live-p buffer)
             (string-match "compilation" (buffer-name buffer))
             (string-match "finished" string)
              (with-current-buffer buffer
                (goto-char (point-min))
                (search-forward "warning" nil t))))
        (run-with-timer 1 nil
                        (lambda (buf)
                          (bury-buffer buf)
                          (switch-to-prev-buffer (get-buffer-window buf) 'kill))
    (add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions 'bury-compile-buffer-if-successful)