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Supply method bodies in Tools API

Years ago, I wrote a code template that took a few simple parameters (points) and produced a class skeleton. Since some of the method bodies had code in them, I couldn't call InvokeClassCompletion and just placed the implementations with the declarations (user had to move them).

It has occurred to me that I can write a code template script engine to insert these methods in the correct position, but I don't see how I'm supposed to navigate the file. There are declarations for IOTAEditReader and IOTAEditWriter in ToolsAPI.pas, but I'm guessing there is a step missing - certainly I don't need to manually parse the Delphi code just to find the implementation section?

Does anyone have experience with it?


  • The IDE has plenty of parsers in it, but not one is made available for IDE plugins (ToolsAPI). So you have to write your own parser or use an existing one like