I am trying to improve my jQuery skill and I have this bit of code. It's basic purpose is to size and resize a background to keep it at the same height as a responsive slider, so matching the size of the window; and tracking that if it's resized by the user.
Could it be refactored better or is it good as it is.
$(window).load(function() {
var height = $('#display-area').css('height');
.css('display', 'block')
.css('height', height);
$(window).resize(function() {
var height = $('#display-area').css('height');
.css('height', height);
// Cache elements that get used more than once
var $background = $('.skin-background');
var $displayArea = $('#display-area');
// Don't repeat yourself, put recurring actions in functions
var resizeBackground = function() {
'display': 'block',
'height': $displayArea.height() + 'px'
You should also consider to "throttle" the event handler for the resize event, because some browsers fire a lot of them when resizing the window. Using underscore.js, this would then be:
$(window).load(resizeBackground).resize( _.throttle(resizeBackground, 100) );