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Segmentation registers use

I am trying to understand how memory management goes on low level and have a couple of questions.

1) A book about assembly language by by Kip R. Irvine says that in the real mode first three segment registers are loaded with base addresses of code, data, and stack segment when the program starts. This is a bit ambigous to me. Are these values specified manually or does the assembler generates instructions to write the values into registers? If it happens automatically, how it finds out what is the size of these segments?

2) I know that Linux uses flat linear model, i.e. uses segmentation in a very limited way. Also, according to "Understanding the Linux Kernel" by Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati there are four main segments: user data, user code, kernel data and kernel code in GDT. All four segments have the same size and base address. I do not understand why there is need in four of them if they differ only in type and access rights (they all produce the same linear address, right?). Why not use just one of them and write its descriptor to all segment registers?

3) How operating systems that do not use segmentation divide programs into logical segments? For example, how they differentiate stack from code without segment descriptors. I read that paging can be used to handle such things, but don't understand how.


  • Expanding on Benoit's answer to question 3...

    The division of programs into logical parts such as code, constant data, modifiable data and stack is done by different agents at different points in time.

    First, your compiler (and linker) creates executable files where this division is specified. If you look at a number of executable file formats (PE, ELF, etc), you'll see that they support some kind of sections or segments or whatever you want to call it. Besides addresses and sizes and locations within the file, those sections bear attributes telling the OS the purpose of these sections, e.g. this section contains code (and here's the entry point), this - initialized constant data, that - uninitialized data (typically not taking space in the file), here's something about the stack, over there is the list of dependencies (e.g. DLLs), etc.

    Next, when the OS starts executing the program, it parses the file to see how much memory the program needs, where and what memory protection is needed for every section. The latter is commonly done via page tables. The code pages are marked as executable and read-only, the constant data pages are marked as not executable and read-only, other data pages (including those of the stack) are marked as not executable and read-write. This is how it ought to be normally.

    Often times programs need read-write and, at the same time, executable regions for dynamically generated code or just to be able to modify the existing code. The combined RWX access can be either specified in the executable file or requested at run time.

    There can be other special pages such as guard pages for dynamic stack expansion, they're placed next to the stack pages. For example, your program starts with enough pages allocated for a 64KB stack and then when the program tries to access beyond that point, the OS intercepts access to those guard pages, allocates more pages for the stack (up to the maximum supported size) and moves the guard pages further. These pages don't need to be specified in the executable file, the OS can handle them on its own. The file should only specify the stack size(s) and perhaps the location.

    If there's no hardware or code in the OS to distinguish code memory from data memory or to enforce memory access rights, the division is very formal. 16-bit real-mode DOS programs (COM and EXE) didn't have code, data and stack segments marked in some special way. COM programs had everything in one common 64KB segment and they started with IP=0x100 and SP=0xFFxx and the order of code and data could be arbitrary inside, they could intertwine practically freely. DOS EXE files only specified the starting CS:IP and SS:SP locations and beyond that the code, data and stack segments were indistinguishable to DOS. All it needed to do was load the file, perform relocation (for EXEs only), set up the PSP (Program Segment Prefix, containing the command line parameter and some other control info), load SS:SP and CS:IP. It could not protect memory because memory protection isn't available in the real address mode, and so the 16-bit DOS executable formats were very simple.