I have a QGraphicsObject
derived class that holds a QImage
and ovveride
paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
In the pain I succefully draw the QImage
The QGraphicsObject
is an item of QGraphicsScene
, and the latter is inside a QGraphicsView
. The QImage
dimensions exceed the QGraphicsScene
dimensions. My purpose is to drag
the QImage
(or the QGraphicsObject
) in order to show the exceeding part of the QImage
. How can I achive this? Have to translate
the QImage
Could point me some kind of docs or example?
It may be easier to just use a QGraphicsPixmapItem and let QGraphicsView handle the dragging for you: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qgraphicsview.html#dragMode-prop