I have been able to make my photos large for single photo posts on my blog, http://blog.seans.ws, but Tumblr photosets limit me to a width of 500px
How can I either make the layout of photosets larger, or just diable the feature and display my photos in high-res one after the other? Here's the photoset code:
<span class="break" style="padding-bottom: 19px;"></span>
and here's the single photo code, where I am able to make photos huge:
<span class="break"></span>
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
Thank you!
It's really not necessary to use Javascript & the Tumblr API.
You can go through the Photos in each Photoset individually using the {block:Photos}.
Eg in your Example:
<span class="break" style="padding-bottom: 19px;"></span>
<!-- Go through each Photo in the Photoset -->
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
Remember, the Documentation is your friend :)