I am trying to refresh the contents of a div using AJAX/Unobtrusive JavaScript/JQuery.
This is easy to do if I make a "refresh" link and give it a data-remote attribute.
However, I would like to refresh every 2 seconds using the setInterval function rather than using a link.
This code should demonstrate what I'm trying to do. It does not work when put in application.js because the ERB is not evaluated, but hopefully it will explain my goal.
$("#scuttlebutt").html("<%= escape_javascript(render 'scuttlebutt') %>");
What would be a proper way to do this in Rails 3??
(I am working with Rails 3.2.5)
I ended up putting code in application.js that would:
$(function() {
if ($('#scuttlebutt').length) {
$.getScript(window.location.pathname, function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
console.log('Load was performed.');
$("#scuttlebutt").html(" <%= escape_javascript(render 'scuttlebutt') %>" );