Good day
I have a custom TextBox that has a IndicatorTextBox.ui.xml file as well as file. Ussually adding an evenhadler to a textbox is simple.
This is in my main .java file
void onTxtFirstNameKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event){
How would I add the handler if the txtFirstName was the custom textbox with label that I am adding to this page.? So, in other words txtFirstnName is not @UiField TextBox txtFirstName but IndicatorTextField txtFirstName instead.
The file looks as follow
public class IndicatorTextField extends Composite implements HasText{
public interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, IndicatorTextField> {
private static final Binder binder = GWT.create(Binder.class);
public interface Style extends CssResource{
String textStyling();
String requiredInputLabel();
String colorNotValidated();
@UiField Style style;
@UiField Label label;
@UiField TextBox textBox;
public IndicatorTextField()
public void setBackgroundValidateTextbox(boolean validated)
public String getText() {
return label.getText();
public void setText(String text) {
Your IndicatorTextField first has to implements the HasKeyUpHandlers interface, catch the KeyUpEvents from the textBox and fire them to its handlers.
public class IndicatorTextField extends Composite implements HasText, HasKeyUpHandlers { ... @Override public HandlerRegistration addKeyUpHandler(KeyUpHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, KeyUpEvent.getType()); } ... @UiHandler("textBox") public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(event.getNativeEvent(), this); } }
Then in your main java class, if you're creating this IndicatorTextField with uiBinder, then you can just add a UiHandler to it the regular way
@UiField IndicatorTextField myIndicatorTextField; @UiHandler("myIndicatorTextField) public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { validateFields(); }
If you're creating by calling the constructor, then call addKeyUpHandler on it
IndicatorTextField myIndicatorTextField = new IndicatorTextField(); myIndicatorTextField.addKeyUpHandler(new KeyUpHandler() { public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { validateFields(); } });