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Programmatically send iMessage using private frameworks

Does anyone know if it's possible to directly send an iMessage using a private framework?

I tried using CTMessageCenter from CoreTelephony but it'll send an SMS even though my phone can send iMessages.


  • I haven't tested this, but look at the code posted here. If you look at httpResponseForMethod:URI:, you see where he/she sends a message (appears to be hardcode to support iOS 5 or iOS 4):

    CKSMSService *smsService = [CKSMSService sharedSMSService];
    //id ct = CTTelephonyCenterGetDefault();
    CKConversationList *conversationList = nil;
    NSString *value =[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];          
    if([value hasPrefix:@"5"])
        //CKMadridService *madridService = [CKMadridService sharedMadridService];
        //NSString *foo = [madridService _temporaryFileURLforGUID:@"A5F70DCD-F145-4D02-B308-B7EA6C248BB2"];
        NSLog(@"Sending SMS");
        conversationList = [CKConversationList sharedConversationList];
        CKSMSEntity *ckEntity = [smsService copyEntityForAddressString:Phone];
        CKConversation *conversation = [conversationList conversationForRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObject:ckEntity] create:TRUE service:smsService];
        NSString *groupID = [conversation groupID];           
        CKSMSMessage *ckMsg = [smsService _newSMSMessageWithText:msg forConversation:conversation];
        [smsService sendMessage:ckMsg];
        [ckMsg release];     
    } else {
        id ct = CTTelephonyCenterGetDefault();
        void* address = CKSMSAddressCreateWithString(pid); 
        int group = [grp intValue];         
        if (group <= 0) {
            group = CKSMSRecordCreateGroupWithMembers([NSArray arrayWithObject:address]);       
        void *msg_to_send = _CKSMSRecordCreateWithGroupAndAssociation(NULL, address, msg, group, 0);    
        CKSMSRecordSend(ct, msg_to_send);

    The code uses normal SMS, but you can see the following commented out code:

    //CKMadridService *madridService = [CKMadridService sharedMadridService];

    The "Madrid" service is probably what can send iMessages. See the private header here.

    Both SMS and iMessage private APIs are in the ChatKit.framework.