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JDBC connection default autoCommit behavior

I'm working with JDBC to connect to Oracle. I tested connection.setAutoCommit(false) vs connection.setAutoCommit(true) and the results were as expected.

While by default connection is supposed to work as if autoCommit(true) [correct me if I'm wrong], but none of the records are being inserted till connection.commit() was called. Any advice regarding default behaviour?

String insert = "INSERT INTO MONITOR (number, name,value) VALUES (?,?,?)";

conn = connection; //connection  details avoided
preparedStmtInsert = conn.prepareStatement(insert);



  • From Oracle JDBC documentation:

    When a connection is created, it is in auto-commit mode. This means that each individual SQL statement is treated as a transaction and is automatically committed right after it is executed. (To be more precise, the default is for a SQL statement to be committed when it is completed, not when it is executed. A statement is completed when all of its result sets and update counts have been retrieved. In almost all cases, however, a statement is completed, and therefore committed, right after it is executed.)

    The other thing is - you ommitted connection creation details, so I'm just guessing - if you are using some frameworks, or acquiring a connection from a datasource or connection pool, the autocommit may be turned off by those frameworks/pools/datasources - the solution is to never trust in default settings ;-)