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Trigger local program execution from browser

First and foremost: I know it's not right or even good thing to do but my current customer will not cave in. So here's what he is asking for (this is for in-house-behind-a-firewall-etc project). In the web report I need to supply a link which points to the executable script that lives on the universally mapped location (network file server). When user clicks on it it is expected to run on the local client starting local executable which should be pre-installed on the client's box. It should be agnostic to OS (Windows or Linux) and the browser used. Customer doesn't mind to click on angry pop-up alerts but he wants to do it once per client browser (or at minimum - session).

QUESTION: Will trusted Java applet be able to do it? Or is the any other (better, simpler) ways of achieving the same? ActiveX control is out of question


  • So I wrote something I called "Insane applet". Here are the steps:

    1. Put empty iframe into your webpage
    2. When user clicks on the link generate tag HTML code that contains parameter(s) supplied by user as applet parameters. Applet has to be signed
    3. Load applet code into iframe