I am trying to get another process' command-line parameters (on WinXP 32bit).
I do the following:
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, ProcList.proc_id_as_numbers[i]);
ZwQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, UserPool, sizeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION), &BytesNeeded);
BytesNeeded = sizeof(PEB);
res = ZwReadVirtualMemory(hProcess, pbi->PebBaseAddress, UserPool, sizeof(PEB), &BytesNeeded);
/* zero value returned */
peb = (PPEB)UserPool;
res = ZwReadVirtualMemory(hProcess, peb->ProcessParameters, UserPool, sizeof(RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS), &BytesNeeded);
After the first call, pbi.UniqueProcessID
is correct.
But, after calling ZwReadVirtualMemory()
, I get the command-line for my process, not the requested one.
I also used ReadProcessMemory()
& NtQueryInformationProcess()
, but get the same result.
Can anybody help?
On this forum thread, it is said that this code works. Unfortunately, I do not have access to post on that forum to ask them.
Duplicate of How to query a running process for its parameters list? (Windows, C++) , so I'll just copy my answer from there over here:
You can't reliably get that information. There are various tricks to try and retrieve it, but there's no guarantee that the target process hasn't already mangled that section of memory. Raymond Chen discussed this awhile back on The Old New Thing.