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Eclipse JDT AST: Problems parsing a class with nested members

I would like to do some static code analysis for Java source code. For parsing I use the Eclipse JDT (3.6) ASTParser outside of Eclipse with following code:

private static final Map<String, String> COMPILER_OPTIONS;

static {
    COMPILER_OPTIONS = new HashMap<String, String>(JavaCore.getOptions());

private CompilationUnit parseReadSourceFileIfPossible(String readSourceFile) {
    CompilationUnit result = null;
    if (isPossibleToParse(readSourceFile)) {
        final ASTParser parser = createAndConfigureParser();
        result = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
    return result;

private ASTParser createAndConfigureParser() {
    final ASTParser result = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
    result.setCompilerOptions(COMPILER_OPTIONS); return result;

For "normal" Java classes this approach works perfectly fine. However if I parse the following class (ValidUnrestrictedComponent), the parser runs into problems.

package valid;

import de.htwg_konstanz.joi.annotations.JoiComponten;

public final class ValidUnrestrictedComponent {

    private static final class Implementation implements TestInterface {

        public int doSomething() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return 0;

    private ValidUnrestrictedComponent() {
        throw new AssertionError();

    public static Implementation getInstance() {
        return new Implementation();

    private static void getNothing() {
      // Nothing to do here

    private void doNothing() {
      // Nothing to do here


I do receive an object of type CompilationUnit, however it does only contain the nested member Implementation and its method. The rest of the class – like getInstance or doNothing is missing.

The obtained CompilationUnit contains a field problems with the following three problems:

  • DefaultProblem (id=141): Pb(240) Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody
  • DefaultProblem (id=143): Pb(240) Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody
  • DefaultProblem (id=164): Pb(240) Syntax error, insert "}" to complete MethodBody

I can not see any syntax errors in the above mentioned class ValidUnrestrictedComponent.


  • Can you double check the contents of 'readSourceFile'? My guess is that there are no '\n' or new line characters in that. Missing new-line characters would result in all the lines after the first comment becoming part of the comment itself.